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A Path from English-speaking Countries to English Programs in Japan: Factors Influencing Chinese Students’ Choices ······················ Siyan Dang ···· 1

中英語の文否定の発達に関する一考察 ·················· 古 川 允 也 ···· 19

Linguistic Landscape in an English-Speaking Community: A Case Study of the University District of Seattle ······················ FU, Kenryo ···· 35

Examining the Role of Prosody Shadowing in Sentence Comprehension for Japanese EFL Learners ············ NAKANISHI, Hiroshi ···· 49


Learning English Through YouTube ··············· HIGUCHI, Takuya ···· 61

A Tour Guide Course Incorporating CLIL Approaches -To Motivate Students to Learn about Japanese Culture ··············· YOKONO, Narumi ···· 75


「英語学から見た英語コミュニケーション」 ········································· 93


表現の選択とコミュニケーション ·················· 山 本 英 一 ···· 95


英語ことわざ使用の実態について ·················· 奥 田 隆 一 ···· 99


英語のジェンダーとコミュニケーション ·················· 神 崎 高 明 ···· 103

〈活動報告〉        ······························································· 107


〈日本英語コミュニケーション学会規約〉 ···························· 109


〈THE JASEC BULLETIN 寄稿規程〉···································· 116


〈日本英語コミュニケーション学会賞規程〉························· 121






オンライン化に対応したビジネス英語の教授法の開発 ―苦情対応に特化したコミュニケーションスキルの養成― ·················· 岩 井 千 春 ···· 1

The Significance of Studying in an EMI Program : Through the investigation of Japanese L1 students’ senior thesis writing experiences ·················· 畔 上 絵里香 ···· 17

Societal Consideration in the Prevalence of Katakana Enunciation in English Language Education in Japan ············· Benneth O. I. Esiana ···· 35


The Form and Meaning Asymmetry: Focusing on “Commencement Ceremony” and “Confidence Trick” ·················· 傅 建 良 ···· 51

大学の英語教員に求められる仮説演繹法 ·················· 平 柳 行 雄 ···· 61


Changes in Learners’ Perception of Language Learning Environments ·················· 樋 口 拓 也 ···· 71


日本人大学生とリンガフランカとしての英語(ELF)での自己表現: コロナ禍における授業内課題としてのクリエイティブライティング作成を考察する ··············· 田 中 藍 渚 ···· 87​


L2 Learning Motivation of Japanese High School Students Experiencing Study Abroad during COVID-19 -from the Perspective of Motivational Flow-

·················· 村 上 正 武 ···· 105


「ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and English Communication」 ······· モデレーター:BULLSMITH, Christofer ···· 121


ICT を活用してコミュニケーションを円滑化 ―雪対策への活用事例から― ·················· 香 取 薫 ···· 123


人間に残される報道の仕事とは ··············小 林 革 未 ···· 127


ニューラル機械翻訳のこれまでとこれから ·················· 永 田 昌 明 ···· 131


ICT and Language Learning ········· BULLSMITH, Christofer ···· 133

〈活動報告〉        ······························································· 137


〈日本英語コミュニケーション学会規約〉 ···························· 139


〈THE JASEC BULLETIN 寄稿規程〉···································· 146


〈日本英語コミュニケーション学会賞規程〉························· 151


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